The Blog

Grab a drink and sidle up to the table: Molly's best tips for freelance editors and nonfiction writers are here for your perusing pleasure. Join the word nerd party!

The Blog

Grab a drink and sidle up to the table: Molly's best and brightest tips for freelance editors and nonfiction writers are here for your perusing pleasure. Join the word nerd party!

What to Do When Someone Asks, β€œWhat’s Your Rate?” editorial business topics

Imagine a scenario, if you will. You’re at a networking event for entrepreneurs and freelancers, and you start talking with someone in a different industry. They ask you what you do, and here’s how the exchange often goes from there:

“I’m an editor.”

“How cool!...

When It’s All Your Fault: How to Own Up to a Mistake and Break Bad News to a Client editorial business topics

Back in 2016, my worst nightmare as an editorial business owner came true. After weeks of copyediting a novel, I was doing final checks and preparing to send it off to the client when I was suddenly overcome with a feeling of impending doom.

I hurriedly did a Compare Documents in...

The 3 Essential Elements of Author Queries editorial business topics

Working with an editor can be a daunting task for many writers, especially if it’s their first time having their work edited by a professional.

You can make the process less intimidating and earn the writer’s trust by letting them know that you’re a coach, not a judge, and...

The Referral Engine: 7 Steps to Marketing Yourself as a Freelance Editor editorial business topics

I read a ton of business books (roughly 22 a year, according to my StoryGraph metrics). Many of them overlap; most are ho-hum. But every now and then, I come across a book that challenges me to redefine my approach to my freelance editorial business.


8 Warning Signs Authors Need to Know When Hiring a Professional Editor for writers

Anyone can call themselves an editor. Plenty of people think that just because they: a) read a lot, b) are good at spotting typos, c) have written a book, or d) picture themselves wearing a tweed jacket and teaching Shakespeare to enraptured students on the coiffed lawns of Harvard, they can sell...

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Are You Charging What You're Worth?

Forgoing breaks and vacation time to meet deadlines? Overworking yourself without much payoff? This free course shows you how to find your ideal freelance rates and say goodbye to the hustle.