The Blog

Grab a drink and sidle up to the table: Molly's best tips for freelance editors and nonfiction writers are here for your perusing pleasure. Join the word nerd party!

The Blog

Grab a drink and sidle up to the table: Molly's best and brightest tips for freelance editors and nonfiction writers are here for your perusing pleasure. Join the word nerd party!

How to Estimate Freelance Editing Project Rates and Timelines: A Comprehensive Walkthrough editorial business topics

Hey there, fellow editor! If you've ever found yourself puzzled about how to estimate freelance editing project rates and timelines, you're in the right place. I’m about to demystify the entire process, breaking it down into easy-to-understand steps. I'll even walk you through an example...

The Editor’s Guide to Getting Paid: How to Set Payment Terms as a Freelance Editor editorial business topics

So you've taken the leap into running your own editorial business—congrats! But let’s be real, figuring out the financials can be a bit overwhelming. How do you set payment terms that are fair for both you and your clients?

Don't worry; if you're wondering how to set payment terms as...

Top Blogs for Editors to Follow editorial business topics

If you're anything like me, you know that staying in the loop is more than a good habit—it's a lifeline in the ever-evolving industry of editing. Whether you're a seasoned pro with years under your belt or a bright-eyed newbie eager to learn, blogs are your secret weapon. Why? Because...

How to Build Your Own Benefits Package as a Freelance Editor editorial business topics

As freelance editors, we're no strangers to the hustle and bustle of juggling multiple projects, meeting tight deadlines, and delivering top-notch work. But while we're engrossed in the day-to-day operations of our freelance business, it’s easy to overlook one critical aspect: our financial...

8 Reasons Freelance Editors Shouldn’t Avoid Payment Processing Fees editorial business topics

Payment processing fees are an unavoidable part of doing business online these days, but many freelance editors still try their darndest to avoid paying them.

While the rationale makes sense (you may be trying to lower your expenses and/or avoid the hit to your effective hourly rate), it can be...

Vetting Clients: 10 Red-Flag Phrases editorial business topics

The biggest rule in freelancing—and one new freelancers often break—is “trust your gut.”

No matter how a prospective client finds you (personal referral, search engine, networking event, etc.), it’s crucial to make sure you’re a good match. You...

Should Freelance Editors Provide Free Sample Edits? editorial business topics

Freelance proofreaders, copyeditors, and line editors often do a free sample edit for prospective clients. This sample is generally between 250 and 500 words (one to two standard pages), although I know some editors who prefer to do 1,000-word sample edits. This can help the freelancer determine...

4 Ways to Make Better Networking Connections editorial business topics

I have a confession to make: I’m the rare introvert (hello, fellow INTPs!) who actually…don’t judge me too harshly…likes networking.

Don’t get me wrong—my enjoyment of networking events varies by the situation. I can talk to almost anyone for five...

The Productive Freelance Editor, Part 3: Streamlining Your Calendar and To-Do Lists editorial business topics

As an editorial business owner, I wear many hats. In addition to managing both the billable and non-billable tasks of my company, I also need to run errands and complete other day-to-day tasks.

For years, I piled everything into my Google Calendar, using it as my to-do list. I’d...

The Productive Freelance Editor, Part 2: Making Email Work for You editorial business topics

In Part 1 of this series, I shared some of my recent productivity goals and provided a set of questions designed to help you create your own list.

The productivity goals that were the most important to me both related to email. Specifically, I wanted to reach Inbox Zero in Gmail,...

The Productive Freelance Editor, Part 1: Setting Goals editorial business topics

Does the following sound familiar?

You sit down at your computer to work on a specific project.

Before you open the document, you check your email to see if the author has answered a question you asked yesterday.

You see that you have a new message from another client, about a project due in a...

Is Your Website Referral-Worthy? editorial business topics

Sometimes I need to turn down projects that come my way. In these cases, I like to provide the potential client with a few referrals to editors who may be interested in the work. I try to refer projects to editors I know personally, because I trust them to do good work.

When that’s not...

Repetitive Strain Injuries: What Editors Need to Know editorial business topics

In late June 2017, after working a very long week and pulling a few all-nighters to finish two copyediting projects, my hands suddenly became so painful that even thinking about typing on a keyboard made me feel sick to my stomach. The low-level hand and forearm pain that I’d been...

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Are You Charging What You're Worth?

Forgoing breaks and vacation time to meet deadlines? Overworking yourself without much payoff? This free course shows you how to find your ideal freelance rates and say goodbye to the hustle.